Your Participation in Team DALE

Please join if you haven't yet! Beyond that, its up to you. Here are several suggestions for getting started.

Explore the Website

See what we are about, who is here, maybe talk with your colleagues who have joined or know and share our mission.

Attend a Monthly Zoom Meeting

We have monthly Zoom meetings on the second Wednesday of each month, three separate time slots for Americas, Europe, and Asia.

Contribute Resources

What would it be useful for us to have and also useful to increase visbility of whatever it is to others? Web pages, organizations in general, YouTube videos and channels, documents and reports, books, online explanations, advocacy campaigns underway or needed, etc.

Share with Us from Social Media

You can share pages, posts, channels, etc. with us and all members will see your shares and be able to save them and incorporate them into our work if useful.

Join One of Our "Solution Spaces"

How will we help others to understand, initiatie, develop, champion, or advocate for local energy? One way is through our Solution Spaces, which allow us to bring resources, discussion, members, and ideas together to answer an important or common question, respond to a request for assistance, develop and share a local energy story, and support advocates.

Identify Advocacy Opportunities for Us

What are current opportunities for advocacy in your jurisdiction? Who wants to or already is advocating and how could we help them?


:How Can We Help You? What information, experience, expertise, insight could we help you bring to bear on advocating in a specific manner, time or place/

Community Organizers or Champinions

How can we help you? What is your request of us?

Those Wanting to Initiate and Develop a Project

What do you need to get started? Can we point you in the right direction or provide some guidance?

Regulators and Policy-Makers

How can we help? We may be a relative unbiased contribution or link to others. We could also explore facilitation.

Those Wanting to Learn

Where do you get stuck and what types of resources would be the most helpful?

Those with a Story to Tell

What is happening in your locality? Can we encourage you to tell the story. How can we help you tell the story?