Video Library and Learning Clusters

We are collecting a comprehensive and far-ranging library of videos that can be grouped into "learning maps." Each learning cluster addresses a particular question or provides guidance on a particular intention to learn about, champion, initiate, develop, and advocate for local energy. Or just to be inspired by the stories of others. Videos are expected to be mostly existing web content but eventually we can start to create our own videos. The list below includes questions and intentions that are under development or could be addressed in the future. Ideas for future additions are welcomed, as well as participation in items under development.

Our awesome features

Learning Clusters

Select a cluster by name to see its videos displayed with "Tier" levels to indicate either priority or viewing order.

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Create a New Learning Cluster

Enter the name of the cluster, which should be in the form of a question or a request (like "tell me about..." ) or a topic that is detailed and clear enough to be answered in a small number of videos.

Video Library

This list shows all the videos in our knowledge base. To add videos to a specific learning cluster, hover over the video and click the edit icon in the top right corner. Then enter the cluster name in the pop-up edit field. To create a new cluster, use the buttom above.

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